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What Is BEECN?

In 2012, impressed by similar emergency preparedness / response programs he had seen in the Seattle area, former Portland mayor, Sam Adams, implemented the BEECN Program in the Portland area, part of PBEM – Portland Bureau of Emergency Management.  What does BEECN stand for?   Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node – pronounced, BEACON.  

Nepal Earthquake And What We Can Learn From It

It has been ten days since the devastating earthquake in Nepal.  The country is still recovering from the initial shock of the massive earthquake and the more than eighty aftershocks.  Like in all earthquakes, the destruction was not far reaching and had no demographic confines or preferences.  Temples, homes, businesses, and infrastructure alike, all suffered …

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Emergency Preparedness Kit Part 5

This will be the last in the series of information from the American Red Cross publication, “PREPARE!  A Resource Guide.”  Today’s blog will cover dealing with Biological or Chemical Threat, Terrorism, and Pandemic Flu.  Surprisingly, this section is a little on the short side. Before: At Home: *If available, choose an internal room in your …

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Pacific Northwests Seismic History

Seismic and anthropological research over the last thirty years has revealed the deep history of the Pacific Northwest’s earthquake and tsunami activity. As mentioned on previous blog posts, the Pacific Northwest is bordered to the west by the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a point where two tectonic plates, the Juan de Fuca plate, and the North …

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